
Stanislaus County Workforce Development follows procurement standards in accordance with 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Competitive procurements are generally conducted through the Request for Proposal process; however, other procurement methodologies may be used as necessary, in accordance with 2 CFR 200 regulations.


Proposal and Award Information

Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) is accepting applications to expand the California Statewide Eligible Training Provider list (ETPL) of training providers operating in Stanislaus County. The training programs must be in locally or state defined demand occupations.


Program Year 2023-24

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services

Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) is currently accepting proposals for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services. Interested parties may access the RFP at the following website:

Please address all questions regarding this RFP to


Program Year 2021-22

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Regional Capacity Building

On June 21, 2021, Stanislaus County Workforce Development on behalf of the San Joaquin Valley and Associated Counties (SJVAC) released a Request for Statement of Qualifications (SOQ 21-37-SD) to build a vendor list of qualified and experienced entities for Professional Development Training in one or all of the training areas:

  • Race, Equity and Inclusion Training
  • Remote Service Delivery/Digital Fluency
  • Trauma Informed/Trauma Awareness Training

This SOQ is targeted toward the San Joaquin Valley Regional Planning Unit (SJVAC RPU), which includes the Local Workforce Development Boards of San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County, Merced County, Madera County, Fresno County, Kings County, Tulare County, and Kern/Inyo/Mono Counties, and may include Mother Lode Job Training, as a member of the Central California Workforce Collaborative (CCWC). The bidding closing date was July 9, 2021 at 2:30pm. One (1) proposal was received. The RFSOQ in its entirety may be viewed at:


On August 6, 2021, Stanislaus County Workforce Development on behalf of the San Joaquin Valley and Associated Counties (SJVAC) re-released a Request for Statement of Qualifications (SOQ 21-43-SD), to build a more comprehensive vendor list for the SJVAC RPU partners to use for training at their discretion (with the first release, only one vendor proposal was received). The bid closing date for this RFSOQ is September 10, 2021 at 2:30pm. The RFSOQ in its entirety may be viewed at:

Provided to Formerly Incarcerated and Other Justice Involved Individuals

On January 27, 2021 Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Services Provided to Formerly Incarcerated and Other Justice Involved Individuals. On April 12, 2021, the Stanislaus County Workforce Development Board (SCWDB) approved a maximum contract amount of $95,000 of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds to be awarded to LearningQuest - Stanislaus Literacy Centers to provide direct job services to all SCWD referred clients, including but not limited to, assistance with pre-enrollment in CalJOBS and job readiness workshops for Program Year 2021-2022. The County reserves the right to extend this Contract on a year-to-year basis, however in no case beyond two (2) years from the expiration date of the original Contract. RFP information is listed below. Award decisions are final.

Services to Underserved Businesses

On January 26, 2021 Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Services to Underserved Businesses. On April 12, 2021, the Stanislaus County Workforce Development Board (SCWDB) approved a maximum contract amount of $75,000 of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds to be awarded to City Ministry Network to provide Services to Underserved Businesses for Program Year 2021-2022. The County reserves the right to extend this Contract on a year-to-year basis, however in no case beyond two (2) years from the expiration date of the original Contract. This RFP was designed to contract with an entity that will identify businesses that are underserved, (minority-owned, women-owned, geographical low-income location, or other "at-risk" businesses) within Stanislaus County. The selected organization will collaborate with Workforce Development staff to offer resources and services to mitigate layoffs and closures, thereby promoting business longevity and job retention. RFP information is listed below. Award decisions are final.


Program Year 2020-21

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services

On June 19, 2020 Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services. Ceres Unified School District (CUSD) "Project Yes" was awarded the contract beginning November 2, 2020 with a maximum contract amount of $1,232,000. The County reserves the right to extend this Contract on a year-to-year basis, however in no case beyond two (2) years from the expiration date of the original Contract. The RFP intent was to procure qualified providers to deliver WIOA-funded youth services for out-of-school youth by providing the greatest coverage of services to priority populations in four geographical areas within Stanislaus County. RFP and WIOA Youth Services information is listed below. Award decisions are final.


Program Year 2019-20

Stanislaus County Workforce Development - Altamont Pass / I-580 Commuter Survey Update 2019

On March 14, 2019 Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Altamont Pass/I-580 2019 Commuter Survey Update. Resource Development Associates, Inc. was awarded the contract beginning June 14, 2019 with a maximum contract amount of $150,000 at inception of the agreement. Additional costs related to updated milestones, deliverables and communications resulted in an amended contract amount of $401,625. The intent of the RFP was to complete a comprehensive study on the number of commuters leaving Stanislaus County to work in the Bay Area to better understand the talent residing in Stanislaus County and enabling Workforce Development to market to businesses for the purpose of establishing and expanding their companies and providing more employment opportunities locally. RFP information is listed below. Award decisions are final.

Stanislaus County Workforce Development Welfare to Work (WTW) Program

In January 2019, Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Stanislaus County Workforce Development Welfare to Work (WTW) Program. On July 1, 2019, $2.2 million of the Community Services Agency Stanislaus County CalWORKs Program funding was awarded to six organizations to subcontract the StanWORKs Welfare to Work on behalf of Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) for the Program Year (PY) 2019-20. The County reserves the right to extend this Contract on a year-to-year basis, however in no case beyond two (2) years from the expiration date of the original Contract.

Award Information:

Service Provider Allocation
AspiraNet $161,987
Center for Human Services $485,893
Central Valley Opportunity Center (CVOC) $137,650
El Concilio $506,442
LearningQuest - Stanislaus Literacy Center $635,642
Sierra Vista Child & Family Services $267,524

The StanWORKs Divisions of Community Services Agency (CSA) and Stanislaus County Workforce Development (SCWD) work together to provide a range of services to Welfare to Work (WTW) customers in various stages of employment or employability. In order to achieve the goals of being self-sufficient, the WTW program is aimed at one or more delivery models that focus on providing services needed to reduce and eliminate barriers to employment. RFP information is listed below. Award decisions are final.

Rapid Response Services for Stanislaus County Workforce Development

In January 2019, a Request for Proposal (RFP) Rapid Response Services for Stanislaus County Workforce Development was released. Baudette Consulting Inc. was awarded the contract beginning July 1, 2019 with a maximum contract amount of $100,000. The County reserves the right to extend this Contract on a year-to-year basis, however in no case beyond two (2) years from the expiration date of the original Contract. The RFP contract is designed for the provision of services specifically related to Rapid Response. Rapid Response services necessary for this contract are:

  • Basic skills remediation, job search assistance
  • Resume and interviewing workshops, communication skills, computer literacy
  • Deliver services to enable dislocated workers to transition to new employment
  • Promote economic recovery by responding to layoffs and dislocations
  • Reemployment services for workers including support for filing unemployment insurance claims, impacts of layoff on health coverage, referral to career services
  • Other services outlined in WIOA Final Rules §682.330 as requested by Workforce Development and appropriate to the immediate situation

RFP information is listed below. Award decisions are final.

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