Attend a Workshop
We offer a variety of workshops that provide you with the opportunity to gain insight and apply various skills to your job search.
Effective Goal Setting and Skill Set Assessment*
Learn how to take control of your own employment/career goals and manage your mindset and behaviors to help you overcome barriers. Take skill set assessments to help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work.
Soft Skills in the Workplace*
Review of the top 10 soft skills employers are looking for and how to implement them in the workplace.
Conflict Resolution Through Effective Communication*
Reviews the types and styles of communication. Introduces the styles of conflict management and some conflict resolution strategies.
Job Search Strategies*
Learn how to job search, navigate labor market information: in-demand industry sectors and occupations, and research a company.
Using CalJOBS to Manage Your Resume and Job Search*
CalJOBS workshop will provide an overview of the resume builder and online job search skills using the website features such as the background wizard.
Completing an Employment Application*
Review the different sections of an application and know what information you should provide to your potential employer. Know how to effectively complete an application and boost your chances of receiving an invitation to interview. Hands on practice on how to complete an application.
Creating the Right Resume*
Learn how to create the right resume based on your past experience and skills. Discuss common resume formats, information, and answer common resume questions. Create and/or develop your resume using the computer lab.
Customizing Cover Letters, Thank You Notes, and Emails*
Learn to customize each resume and cover letter to respond to the specific job opening for which you’re applying. Learn to send thank you letters or notes to employers and contacts whenever they have helped you. Create a cover letter using the computer lab.
Preparing for an Interview*
Learn techniques to give you more confidence and help make your interview experience a success.
Mock Interviews*
Group setting mock interview
Succeeding on the Job: Understanding Employer Expectations*
Understand and practice the skills and behaviors that meet employer expectations and lead to self-reliance through long-term employment.
Financial Literacy*
Receive financial literacy services that support the ability to create a household budget, understand credit, initiate savings plans, and make informed financial decisions.
Resume Fundamentals
Basic information to help customers to get started on a resume:
- Why do you need a resume, or more than one?
- Things to include and what to not include
- Types of resumes
Interviewing Basics
How to prepare for an interview:
- Make a good “first impression:
- What are employers looking for? Why do they ask the questions they ask?
- Tips to prepare before the interview
- Different types of interviews
- Tips on how to answer typical questions
- How to close the interview
CalJOBS & Your Job Search
Introduction to CalJOBS – web-based job search platform for the entire State of California
You will learn how to set up an account, and what to do if you forget your userID or password
How to begin your enrollment with Workforce Development
Learn about the benefits of using the system, including:
- Background Wizard to collect your work, education, and background information for your resume;
- Managing your resume, or save more than one resume;
- Look for available jobs and apply for those interested in
Come into the Job Center or call (209) 558-WORK (9675) to get signed up for the workshop that fits YOU!